Paying for Addiction Treatment: What to Expect

Unfortunately, the cost of treatment to overcome a substance use disorder (SUD) can be a barrier for many people. Understanding how to pay for rehab can make an extraordinary difference in someone’s quality of care. To learn about addiction treatment insurance coverage and other payment options, contact BlueCrest Recovery today at 888.292.9652.

Will Insurance Cover Treatment Costs When Paying for Rehab?

Insurance is the most convenient way of paying for addiction treatment. Since the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, most major insurance companies must cover at least some mental health services, including drug and alcohol treatment.

Precisely what your coverage will be depends on several factors, including:

  • Your specific services
  • Your policy
  • The rehab provider
  • The region in which you live

Your insurance may not cover all the treatment costs, depending on the variables. If you’re unsure about your coverage, most rehab centers will verify your insurance at no charge.

How to Pay for Rehab Without Insurance

Many people don’t have private insurance or still have high out-of-pocket costs that could prevent them from seeking treatment. You may not be aware of some ways of paying for addiction treatment.

Scholarships and Grants

Some treatment centers offer partial or complete scholarships to clients who meet specific criteria. Those criteria may or may not be income-based. If you need financial assistance, don’t hesitate to ask about any sliding-scale or scholarship programs that may be available.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides scholarships to selected rehab facilities to improve access and mitigate barriers to quality treatment. These grants are not given directly to rehab clients but are supplied to the treatment center so that they may offer lowered and sliding-scale fees.

Personal Loans or Payment Plans

Going to rehab is already a stressful experience. Paying for rehab shouldn’t add to the burden. Many treatment programs offer in-house financing and other types of payment plans to help alleviate financial stress.

Medicare or Medicaid

Medicare and Medicaid are insurance programs for low-income applicants. If you are disabled, pregnant, caring for a dependent child, or over 65, you may qualify for public insurance.

Family Support

Sometimes, turning to friends and family for financial help is necessary. While this option isn’t ideal for most people, loved ones in a financial position to offer assistance may be willing to pay for all or part of your rehab expenses.

The Cost of Rehab

The costs of rehab depend on several factors, including the facility you choose and the services you need. In the U.S., outpatient programs typically cost a few thousand dollars monthly.

When considering the cost of drug and alcohol treatment, it’s essential also to consider the cost of addiction. Spending thousands of dollars for treatment may seem like a lot, but your perspective may change when you compare it to the cost of maintaining a substance use disorder.

Addiction doesn’t just include the cost of substances—it includes the career opportunities that have been lost, driving under the influence (DUI) fines, and legal fees. However, the financial cost of addiction is secondary to the damage addiction does to your health and relationships. A substance use disorder can cost you your life.

Learn More About Paying for Rehab at BlueCrest Recovery

Don’t let concerns about payment stop you from getting the help you need. At BlueCrest Recovery, we offer cost-effective options like intensive outpatient programs to help lower costs without lowering the quality of treatment. Contact BlueCrest Recovery today at 888.292.9652 for more information about our addiction treatment programs and how to pay for rehab at our treatment center in New Jersey.

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