Managing Drug Withdrawal
Drug withdrawal is a subject that encompasses much more than many people realize. It is very easy for some people to say, “Just stop taking drugs!” to a person who is struggling with addiction, but of course, it isn’t that simple. In fact, if withdrawal isn’t handled correctly, the results can be extremely harmful, even fatal. That is why it’s important for the withdrawal process to be overseen by professionals in a safe, controlled environment.
What Is Drug Withdrawal?
The term “drug withdrawal” refers to the physical and psychological effects that are experienced when a person reduces or stops using drugs or alcohol. This can happen following either short-term or prolonged substance use, depending on the substance in question. Withdrawal can occur whether the substance being used is recreational or prescription drugs or alcohol.
Depending on the substance, frequency of use, and other factors, withdrawal symptoms can span from moderate discomfort to those requiring hospitalization all the way to the risk of death. That is why it is important for anyone with a substance use disorder to have professional care during the withdrawal process.
What Are the Symptoms of Withdrawal?
Withdrawal symptoms can vary in type and severity, again, based on the substance in question, the frequency of use, and the individual’s physiological and psychological makeup and condition. The most common symptoms of withdrawal include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Fatigue
• Tremors
• Restlessness
• Irritability
• Muscle/joint pain
• Insomnia
• Congestion
• Runny nose
• Mood swings
• Sweating
• Loss of appetite
serious symptoms/reactions can include:
• Seizures
• Hallucinations
• Delirium
• Stroke
• Heart attack
• Death
Along with physical withdrawal symptoms, the risk of psychological issues is also a dangerous possibility. These can be temporary, long-lasting, or even permanent. They include:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Bipolar disorder
• Dysphoria
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Suicidal thoughts/tendencies
Avoiding these results as much as possible is one of the main reasons to find help rather than attempting to go through the withdrawal process alone. Having the support and presence of a strong, professional support team like ours at BlueCrest Recovery Center can make all the difference. With help, you can successfully work through the withdrawal stage of your recovery and get started on the path toward a happier, healthier, substance-free future!
How to Recognize Withdrawal Symptoms
Because the choice to get clean and sober is an intense one that will result in a number of feelings and emotions, it may be difficult to realize when the onset of withdrawal symptoms occurs. With a flurry of other issues that you may be dealing with, it is possible to overlook the beginning of what could turn into extremely serious withdrawals. This can lead to dangerous consequences.
Making sure you’re informed and aware of the signs and symptoms of withdrawal can alert you to the fact that you are in need of help to deal with them. Some symptoms start out mild and can seem harmless, but before you know it, you can find yourself in the throes of full-blown withdrawals. Having a competent, knowledgeable support system firmly in place will prevent this and keep you on track to a successful recovery.
Why Does Withdrawal Happen?
Why does the withdrawal process even happen? When we decide to stop poisoning ourselves with dangerous substances, what causes the attack that takes place against us by our own bodies and minds?
Our entire being is constantly seeking out a state of existence called
homeostasis. This means that the human body is always looking for a way to maintain equilibrium, meaning that our bodies by nature want an internal environment that is calm and stable while it processes any outside changes. Simply put, it is always seeking to exist in a balanced state of being. When an outside, foreign subject is introduced into the body, that balance is upset. The body now has to find a way to adjust to this new state. Naturally occurring substances in the brain called neurotransmitters are responsible for releasing “feel-good” chemicals into your system. This is your body’s goal at all times.
When you put drugs into your body on a regular basis, over time your body will develop both
a tolerance and a dependence to the substance you were using. Tolerance happens when your body comes to need more and more of the substance to achieve the effect it has now become accustomed to. Dependence refers to the fact that your body has reached the point where it must have the substance in order to stave off the unpleasant effects of withdrawal.
Decreasing or ending the use of the substance your body has become accustomed to having can bring on withdrawal symptoms very quickly.
Why Is Professional Withdrawal Help So Important?
Once the withdrawal process has started, it can only be safely navigated by professional intervention. Working through this process is called detoxification, or detox for short. Individuals need varying levels of help with detox based on factors such as how long they have been using, how much, and what type of substance they are withdrawing from. For example, some substances such as cocaine and marijuana require no detox process or assistance at all.
Types of Professional Withdrawal Management
Because withdrawal symptoms can include both physical and mental effects, comprehensive, constant care is necessary. While some people may experience reactions such as excessive sleeping, others may find themselves unable to relax and sleep at all, even experiencing hyperactivity. Still others may find themselves suffering from physical illness and seizures.
Withdrawal Treatment Using Medication
Medication-assisted withdrawal treatment is one of the most
effective means of dealing with withdrawal symptoms. This method uses a variety of prescription medications to control the effects of withdrawal symptoms, from mild ones to those that are more severe and dangerous. Medication-assisted withdrawal takes place only in the most secure setting, overseen round the clock by medical experts.
Medications can be used either to wean the individual off of the substances in their system or as a more long-term treatment option. Since medications themselves can actually contain addictive properties, constant medical supervision is required to regulate their usage as well as monitoring their effectiveness in dealing with the symptoms of withdrawal. Our licensed professionals at BlueCrest are experienced in treating clients with various substance addictions and those who suffer from all types of withdrawal symptoms.
Therapy for Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms
Since there is a laundry list of withdrawal symptoms that are psychological in nature, therapy that is geared toward these types of issues is among the most essential treatments. These include individual and group therapy based on each person’s specific needs. In fact, a number of those who are dealing with the symptoms of withdrawal find that the emotional aspects of the withdrawal process are some of the most painful and hardest to overcome. Left untreated, they can also last longer than physical symptoms and do irreversible damage.
One very effective form of psychological withdrawal treatment is mindfulness. This treatment involves developing the ability to identify the difference between physical pain and emotional response to it. It has been proven to
decrease the severity of some physical symptoms. By achieving this, the individual is able to move past the pain and focus on successfully recovering from their addiction.
Therapy teaches the individual to learn and develop methods for setting aside often amplified feelings of depression and anxiety while they focus on other steps of the recovery process. They will be able to build on a foundation based on their new reality rather than being held back by emotional issues related to their substance abuse.
Evidenced-based therapy practices, creative experiences like art and music therapy, as well as meditation and mindfulness are all approaches we take at BlueCrest Recovery Center. We recognize that no two clients are the same and create a personalized care plan for each client accordingly.
The Whole-Person Approach to Withdraw Management
Successful recovery from a substance use disorder must involve the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Spiritual care and recovery do not mean religious care. Rather, it focuses on each person’s inner spiritual well-being. Substance abuse can affect the spirit just as negatively as it affects the body and the mind. Recovery involves finding the meaning to your life, realizing that you have a reason and a purpose for being alive, and developing a healthy desire to nurture that special part of yourself in order to feel fulfilled on every level.
Another important part of the withdrawal management process involves a holistic approach to your complete well-being. In the grip of addiction, the body is neglected, deprived of proper exercise and nutrition. The process of withdrawal management includes exercises that benefit the mind and body such as yoga, meditation, and other practices that will teach your whole person how to relax and deal with stress and anxiety in a natural way that has been proven effective over centuries. This knowledge is priceless when it comes to dealing with many issues one will face while going through withdrawal and beyond.
Learning to fuel your body and mind with the proper foods goes hand in hand with healthy physical activity. You will learn how to nourish your body with a healthful diet that will also benefit your brain and overall health and well-being.
We take our clients’ needs as seriously as if they were our own. Our staff is made up of experienced addiction professionals from an array of backgrounds. Many members of our staff have their own personal success stories to share, allowing them to relate to clients on a unique and personal level.
Don’t spend another day as a prisoner of addiction. From the first step of withdrawal to the leap of joy at recovery, we are here for you. Call BlueCrest Recovery Center today and let us guide you along the way to all your amazing tomorrows!