What Are the Benefits of IOP?

Seeking treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD) doesn’t mean you have to change everything in your life. People with a stable home environment who have work and family responsibilities to meet can choose an intensive outpatient program (IOP) as a treatment option. To learn more about the benefits of IOPs, contact BlueCrest Recovery today at 888.292.9652.

How Does an Intensive Outpatient Program Work?

IOPs are sometimes used as step-down services after a rehab client has been hospitalized, but they also serve as stand-alone programs for people who need less restrictive treatment. Professionals and others who must maintain a regular work schedule are well-suited for an IOP.

At BlueCrest Recovery, our IOP is open to clients who have completed the partial care program. We offer two scheduling options, including day and nighttime sessions. Clients who are transitioning from other programs begin with a five-day treatment plan. As treatment progresses, the schedule steps down to three days per week.

Clients can expect the same high-quality level of care and comprehensive, evidence-based treatments they received in our more highly supervised programs but with more flexibility and freedom.

Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs aren’t suitable for everyone, but there are many IOP benefits for those with a solid recovery foundation. Some of those benefits include the ability to:

  • Protect your privacy
  • Be part of a recovery community in your area
  • Work, remain in school, and take care of family responsibilities
  • Remain close to friends and family while receiving treatment
  • Receive evidence-based treatment and medical and mental health support
  • Maintain continuity of care

One of the many benefits of IOPs is that it’s an opportunity for clients to use the skills they have already acquired in other phases of treatment. Transitioning back into daily life after rehab can be an overwhelming experience.

Continuing your care in an intensive outpatient program strengthens your recovery skills while living at home and fulfilling personal responsibilities.

Are You a Good Candidate for an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Most people who have completed an inpatient program are ready for an intensive outpatient program’s freedom and other benefits. However, there are other signs that you can thrive with the support of an IOP.

You Have Access to Strong Home Support

If you have family and friends who are supportive and well-informed about issues surrounding substance use disorders, an IOP may be the right choice for you. Because an IOP still requires a commitment to a treatment schedule, your home environment must accept and support that commitment.

You Are Self-Accountable

One of the most popular IOP benefits is the freedom a flexible schedule allows. People who have demonstrated reliability and dedication to their recovery programs are the best candidates for an IOP.

You Are a Parent or a Busy Professional

If you are a business owner, an executive, or the principal care provider for young children, your responsibilities can make committing to substance abuse treatment difficult. An IOP allows you to maintain your responsibilities while receiving the life-saving treatment you need.

Learn More About IOP Benefits at BlueCrest Recovery

When considering entering or continuing treatment for a substance use disorder, it’s natural to have many questions. Curiosity about your treatment options shows you take your recovery seriously. Our intensive outpatient program provides evidence-based treatment with a foundation in 12-step resources.

Suppose you or someone you care about needs the support of a high-quality program but needs to maintain their work, school, or home responsibilities. In that case, the benefits of intensive outpatient treatment may be the answer. Contact our helpful team at BlueCrest Recovery by calling 888.292.9652 today for more information.

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