What Are the 12 Steps of Recovery?

If you’re new to addiction treatment, the idea of a 12-step rehab program might be an unfamiliar one you frequently come across as you research different rehabs. If you find yourself wondering, “What are the 12 steps of recovery?” here’s everything you need to know about the 12 steps and how they support lasting addiction recovery. Contact BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652 today to learn more about how our 12-step addiction treatment in New Jersey can help you achieve lasting sobriety.

What Are the 12 Steps of Recovery?

The 12 steps of recovery are a highly effective approach to overcoming addiction. The 12 steps were laid out in 1938 by Bill W., the founder of the addiction support group Alcoholics Anonymous.

The steps are essentially a list of instructions designed to facilitate the growth that empowers individuals to make a lasting recovery from substance use. By working through the 12 steps in order, countless individuals have overcome addiction for good.

1. Admit Powerlessness

The first step is to admit that you can’t control your addiction and that it has made your life unmanageable. Making this admission means you’re releasing denial and are ready to ask for help and commit to making changes.

2. Believe Change Is Possible

The second step is to have hope that healing is possible through a “greater power.” That can refer to religious or spiritual belief, but it can also simply mean a source outside yourself, like a rehab or recovery community.

3. Commit to Change

Once you’ve achieved acceptance and hope, the third step asks you to commit to overcoming substance use.

4. Take a Moral Inventory

Step 4 asks you to pause and assess your life. This can include:

  • Actions
  • Relationships
  • Regrets
  • Fears
  • Shame

By taking a comprehensive look at your life, you’re preparing yourself to begin living differently.

5. Admit You’ve Done Wrong

Step 5 asks you to own up to your actions. Specifically, it’s essential to do this with another person. That could be a friend, family member, or therapist—what matters is being willing to take accountability in front of a compassionate witness.

6. Be Prepared to Change

After acknowledging the thiyou’veu’ve done wrong in life, prepare to make lasting changes.

7. Ask for Help

Step 7 asks you to surrender. Change can be challenging, but recovery involves asking for help when needed.

8. Make a List of People You’ve Harmed

To heal the past and commit to a different future, you’re asked to take accountability by listing out how your actions have harmed others.

9. Make Amends

Step 9 asks you to take your list and apologize or take action to make up for the wrongs you’ve done to others.

10. Continue Taking Inventory

You’re still human, which means you’ll probably make mistakes in the future. When you do, take note and make things right.

11. Maintain a Spiritual Connection

Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, work to maintain a sense of self-awareness, purpose, and connection.

12. Help Others

The final step is to give back by continuing to live out these principles and sharing them with others who struggle with addiction.

How the 12 Steps of Addiction Recovery Make a Difference

There’s a reason the 12 steps of recovery are the leading approach to treating substance use disorder. There are 12-step support groups everywhere, from small towns to major cities.

Around two million people are currently active members in 12-step groups worldwide. Given that the program has existed for nearly 90 years, it’s easy to see that millions have benefitted from the 12-step approach to addiction recovery.

Learn More About the 12 Steps in New Jersey at BlueCrest Recovery

BlueCrest Recovery sees firsthand the life-changing impact of the 12 steps of addiction recovery. We base our treatment programs on this approach because of its proven success and the long-term support offered by 12-step support groups once treatment ends. Contact BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652 today for more information on our 12-step treatment program.

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