BlueCrest Recovery Center is a privately owned facility that offers state-of-the-art, evidence-based substance abuse treatment programs. We offer an array of services which includes Partial Care, Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Outpatient Programs (OP), After Care (AC) and Post Recovery Services (PRS) to addicted and co-occurring populations. We are rooted in the successful tenets of the Twelve Step Recovery Program and believe in an individualized, clinically sound, spiritual approach to treatment. These approaches include providing unique services for the Mind, Body, and Spirit.
What is Mind, Body and Spirit?
Here at BlueCrest Recovery Center, it is our belief, and the belief of medical doctors, addiction specialists, and addicts themselves throughout history, that true recovery from substance abuse needs to be addressed by dissecting ALL aspects of the disease. Substance abusers are not simply men and women who are JUST physically addicted to a substance. If that were the case, once an addict was separated from their substance of choice, they would return to their normal lives without any chance of returning to such substance indefinitely. Unfortunately, this is a common misunderstanding. Substance abuse is much more complicated. It effects a person bodily, mentally as well as physically. Which is why BlueCrest Recovery Center is passionate in regards to addressing all three aspects, giving our clients the absolute best possible outcome for lifelong sobriety. You may be asking, what is this three-fold disease and how is it healed?
Healing the Mind.
The brain of a substance abuser is hard-wired to chemically and neurologically depend on a substance once a certain line has been crossed. Usually, the addict or alcoholic is completely unaware of this devastating mental obsession until they have spiraled very deep into the abyss. They simply do not believe that they have a mental preoccupation with drugs that outweighs all consequence and humiliation. Part of healing the mind is addressing this mental obsession and addressing the issue of what occurs prior to the alcoholic or addict placing a substance into their body.
Healing the Body.
Physical dependency on any substance can become a devastating and dehumanizing experience. Addiction causes the body to take over in the department of self-will, eventually leading to a point where someone else is essentially driving the car. Until the body is separated from a substance, therapeutic interventions will be of no avail. That is why we at BlueCrest Recovery Center we feel that it is imperative for a client to receive some form of detoxification prior to participating in lower levels of care. The clients physical state needs to be addressed on several different fronts.
Aside from general detoxification, each client should have the opportunity to meet with medical staff to address issues that come along with the abuse of substances. Some of these other physical ailments may also need intervention or screening. They include, but are not limited to, HIV/AIDS screenings, liver function tests, HEP C screenings, STD screenings, as well as overall general primary care to treat what can sometimes be devastating effects on the body. Here at BlueCrest, these sometimes additional physical problems will be addressed or referred out for further addressing.
Healing the Spirit.
For a substance abuser, healing the spirit is just as imperative as healing the body and mind. When an addict does not receive spiritual nourishment, they are liable to retreat back into their old behaviors and lifestyle. This lack of spiritual guidance and action makes a client very vulnerable to relapse or self-destructive behaviors. Here at BlueCrest, our passionate staff members pride themselves on their ability to assist a client in healing their spirit by a means of determining what their source of inspiration or essentially, what their chosen Higher Power will be. After all, the clients High Power became drugs and/or alcohol. Finding a substitute for that, we believe, is of extreme importance. By addressing this component of recovery, we help arm the client with an extra and very important form of self-defense that is sometimes left out of the recovery process elsewhere.
By addressing all three aspects of the diseased, and combating it with alternative and healthy aspects of recovery on all three fronts; BlueCrest believes that any client (regardless of their current physical, mental, or spiritual state) can be successful in maintaining lifelong sobriety.