Relationship Between Anger and Addiction

Anger and addiction often go together. A person who struggles with anger might turn to substances to feel better. Doing so can eventually lead to addiction, and then addiction can make the anger worse. It’s a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. This is why learning anger management techniques is vital.

Addiction and anger are often closely related because one can feed the other. When a person is trying to deal with difficult emotions, anger may become a way to cope. However, that anger can then lead to drug or alcohol use to numb the pain of their emotions. Others may use substances to act out and express their anger.

If you or someone you know has uncontrolled anger and a substance use disorder, contact BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652.

Understanding the Link Between Addiction and Anger

The relationship between anger and addiction is a complex one. When people turn to substances to deal with their anger, they find that addiction can make their anger worse. People with substance use disorders can often become irritable and easily frustrated. They can also become impulsive, leading them to make decisions they later regret.

This is why professional help is so effective and critical. It provides the support and resources people need to break the connection between anger and addiction. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to break the cycle. However, anger management treatment, along with addiction treatment, can help.

Breaking the Connection Between Anger and Addiction

For many reasons, professional treatment is critical for a person to break out of this vicious cycle. Without treatment, it can be difficult for clients to gain insight into their emotions and learn about healthy coping mechanisms. With therapy, clients learn crucial skills and information like:

  • How to identify triggers – Once they know their triggers, they can begin to practice avoiding them
  • How to use healthy coping mechanisms – Many healthy ways to cope with anger don’t involve substance use
  • How to be patient with themselves – Breaking the cycle of anger and addiction takes time and effort
  • How to reach out for help – Those who are struggling with addiction and anger must reach out for help from therapists, support groups, loved ones, and others

Working with professionals in a setting designed for treating anger management and substance misuse helps the person address addiction and anger as they learn ways to stay sober.

Symptoms of an Anger Disorder

Everyone gets angry, frustrated, and short-tempered sometimes. Therefore, it can be difficult to tell whether a person has a mental health condition characterized by anger. Since anger is often associated with frustration, a person might mistake one for the other.

Frustration can be considered anger on a mild, workable level. Someone who may need anger management therapy will experience frustration on a more intense level that lasts longer than mere frustration. In addition, anger can be a symptom of other mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Some of the symptoms of an anger disorder include the following:

  • Frequent ranting
  • Periods of intense anger that last longer than 30 minutes
  • Constantly feeling anxious, frustrated, and overwhelmed
  • Being quick to provoke or join arguments

Dealing with anger can negatively impact a person’s life in many ways, but it can also impact loved ones, friends, co-workers, and others. Anger and addiction have the potential to destroy everything from finances to relationships to health.

Break the Cycle of Anger and Addiction at BlueCrest Recovery

Reach out for help today if you or a loved one has anger issues and a substance use disorder. Getting help is the first step on the road to recovery. Reach out to us at BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652.

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