After undergoing rehab, your road to recovery is just beginning. Did you know that 40 to 60 percent of addicts will go through the various stages of relapse? Post-rehab, many addicts find themselves back in the cycle of addiction.
Life after addiction treatment is confusing, especially as you face conflicting emotions. You’ll be excited about living addiction-free. At the same time, you’re also likely to have fears about relapsing. You may even doubt your ability to maintain your sobriety on your own.
To make post-rehab life a little easier, keep reading to learn about the dos and don’ts of life after substance abuse treatment.
Do Make a Plan to Avoid Triggers
Drug rehabilitation programs don’t cure addiction. In fact, you’ll live with addiction for the rest of your life. The first step in maintaining your sobriety is to know your triggers and to have a plan to avoid them. For example, if you know that social drinking caused you to drink in the past, avoid social gatherings that involve alcohol. This way, you avoid the temptation and triggers altogether.
Aside from environmental triggers, you’ll also want to be aware of emotional triggers. Many addicts suffered from high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression that caused them to use. If your triggers start to become overwhelming, get support! Attend local support groups. Talk with friends and family.
Do Cut Out Toxic People & Embrace Sober Friends
After months of drug addiction therapy, reuniting with friends is likely at the top of your to-do list, however, before you become reacquainted with old friends, take the time to consider if these are worthwhile friends.
Post-rehab, you need to surround yourself with as much support as possible. You don’t want to invite people back into your life who make bad lifestyle choices. Toxic people who may encourage you to start using again shouldn’t be part of your inner circle.
Instead of trying to ignore the dangers of old friends, make new sober friends. This way, you can surround yourself with others who are leading the same lifestyle as you.
Do Manage Your Stress Levels
Life is stressful and, for many recovering addicts, stress can lead to relapse. Post-rehab, you’ll want to avoid highly stressful situations. Since we don’t always have control over our environment or things that happen around us, it helps to know ways that you can manage your stress levels.
Stress-relieving options include:
- Exercise
- Yoga
- Breathing exercises
- A calming activity (reading, taking a bath etc.)
Even though you’ve completed an intensive outpatient program, it never hurts to attend a support group if you’re feeling stressed. One of the biggest parts of the management of drug abuse is reaching out for help when you need it.
Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health
Drug rehabilitation programs teach all sorts of information about mental health and its importance in addiction and treatment. Post-rehab, you’re stronger than you’ve ever been, but this doesn’t make you immune to daily struggles.
While you may want to avoid things that are nagging you in your head, it’s best to confront them. Pent-up emotions will eventually bubble over. Remember, reaching out for help and support isn’t a sign of weakness!
Don’t Overestimate Yourself
After rehab, you may think that you have all the knowledge you need and have made all of the necessary changes to go at it alone. Yet, overestimating yourself can backfire. As an addict, you will face triggers, stress, peer pressure, and other factors that can tempt you into using again.
While self-confidence and self-esteem are important, you never want to get into the mindset that you can beat addiction alone. Continue to attend support groups and therapy, even when the journey to life-long sobriety is smooth sailing.
Don’t Wing It
After completing drug addiction therapy, it’s important to have a plan so that you can maintain your sobriety. Winging your life post-rehab only increases the risk of relapse. For most people, post-treatment plans include:
- Creating a support group
- Continuing new healthy lifestyle habits
- Managing stress and triggers
By having a plan once treatment is over, you can ensure you’re taking the right steps to maintain your sobriety.
Get the Treatment You Need at BlueCrest Recovery Center
At BlueCrest Recovery Center, we offer a wide range of services and programs to help you achieve sobriety. From rehab to intensive outpatient programs, our goal is to make addiction a part of your past while helping you pave the path to a brighter future.
It’s never too late to make the call. No matter if you’re seeking drug addiction therapy for the first time or need post-rehab support, you can count on us. Call our staff at (973) 298-5776 to get started.