May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health America (MHA) established May as Mental Health Awareness Month in 1949. Since then, the movement has reached millions, helping those with mental health conditions and educating others about the importance of mental health care. Learn more about our addiction and mental health treatment program by calling BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652.

Mental Health Awareness Month Facts

Spreading mental health awareness starts by understanding some of the fundamental facts about mental health. Some interesting facts you can share or use to start a conversation about mental health include:

  • A green ribbon is used to represent Mental Health Awareness Month
  • People in many states can dial 211 to connect with mental health and other human services in their area
  • Addiction is a mental health condition
  • At least one in five adults in the U.S. have experienced a mental health problem
  • Even young children can show early warning signs of mental health concerns
  • The vast majority of people living with mental health conditions do not commit violent acts
  • Many people living with mental health conditions cannot manage the stress of working at a traditional job
  • Treatment for mental health conditions is available and effective

One of the most important facts that can help with mental health awareness is that people with mental health conditions cannot simply “snap out of it.” Having a mental health condition is not a sign of personal weakness.

Biology, genetics, trauma, abuse, injury, family history, and physical illness are some of the factors that can affect an individual’s mental well-being.

How to Get Involved and Increase Mental Health Visibility

It’s always a good time to help remove stigmas and increase mental health awareness. The MHA has designated May as a specific period to spread awareness and support those living with mental health conditions. If you’d like to get involved, here are four things you can do this May:

1. Donate Money

Not everyone can make financial donations, and they are certainly not the only way to help, but most local organizations that assist those with mental health concerns are in a constant state of fundraising.

Call your local warming shelters and mental health centers to learn how you can help people in your area, or donate directly to Mental Health America.

2. Tell Your Story

If you are living with a mental health condition or you love someone who is, don’t remain silent in conversations about it. Sharing your story helps to decrease stigma and makes it easier for others to talk about their experiences with mental health challenges.

3. Find Support

If your mental health condition is currently untreated, or if you suspect you may have a mental health condition and have not sought a professional diagnosis, get help today. Taking care of yourself is the best way to honor Mental Health Awareness Month.

4. Give Support

Reach out to a friend you know who is struggling with their mental health. Talking about mental health concerns can be difficult. You don’t need to pry or ask personal questions, but you can let them know you’re available and want to offer support.

People living with mental health conditions often have difficulty managing day-to-day responsibilities. An offer to do shopping, provide a ride to therapy, or take over childcare responsibilities for a few hours can have a bigger positive impact than you might imagine.

Learn More About Mental Health at BlueCrest Recovery

At BlueCrest Recovery, we understand the importance of compassionate, evidence-based mental health services. Reducing stigmas around addiction disorders is part of the important work we do. Contact BlueCrest Recovery today at 888.292.9652 to learn more about the services we offer.

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