How to Make a Relapse Prevention Plan

Recovery is a lifelong pursuit. Even after taking the challenging steps to quit using drugs and alcohol, maintaining your progress can seem impossible at times. Creating a relapse prevention plan can help you identify when triggers and temptations may come into your life so you can learn how to manage them without relapsing. But how do you create a relapse prevention plan? Keep reading for tips on what to include in your plan for long-term recovery.

At BlueCrest Recovery, we know the importance of a relapse prevention plan for our clients when they graduate from our addiction treatment center. We utilize evidence-based therapies and 12-step principles to help them learn the skills they need to overcome addiction before transitioning them into our relapse prevention program for long-term success. Learn more about our addiction treatment center in New Jersey by calling 888.292.9652 today.

What Is Relapse Prevention?

Relapse prevention is the process of recognizing and managing triggers that could lead to a relapse. The goal of creating a relapse prevention plan is to identify these potential triggers before they cause an issue, allowing you to manage them in a healthy way.

Without a relapse prevention plan, these triggers can build up and lead to a relapse. By creating a plan, you can proactively handle those triggers instead of reacting in the moment.

Making a Relapse Prevention Plan

Every person in recovery will have a unique relapse prevention plan to help manage personal emotions and triggers. Here are some tips for making a relapse prevention plan for yourself:

Identify High-Risk Situations

One of the most important steps in making a relapse prevention plan is to identify high-risk situations. This means recognizing what triggers your urge to use drugs or alcohol. Some common triggers include:

  • Stress or anxiety
  • Being in the presence of drugs or alcohol
  • Feeling lonely or disconnected
  • Negative people

Some of the most common triggers stem from very basic needs. The acronym HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) is a good tool to use when assessing your triggers.

Develop Strategies to Manage Cravings

Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can create strategies for how you will manage cravings. This can include finding hobbies or activities that help distract you from the craving, reaching out to friends and family who can provide support, or attending 12-step meetings when feeling overwhelmed.

Learn Healthy Coping Mechanisms

It’s also important to learn healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress or anxiety without drugs or alcohol. This can include mindfulness and meditation, going for a walk or exercising, journaling, talking to a therapist, engaging in creative activities like art or music, or simply taking some time for yourself. Find methods that work for you and won’t feel overwhelming when you need to disconnect from your cravings or triggers.

Set Up Accountability Measures and Track Progress

Finally, it’s important to create accountability and tracking measures for your relapse prevention plan. This could include writing down your cravings and triggers, randomly testing for drugs or alcohol, or regularly checking in with a sponsor.

Creating a relapse prevention plan is essential for long-term recovery. With knowledge and practice, you can empower yourself to make healthy choices when faced with triggers or temptations.

Preventing Relapse with the BlueCrest Recovery Team

At BlueCrest Recovery, we empower our clients to take charge of their future by helping them create a relapse prevention plan. If you’re ready to take control of your life and make positive changes in your recovery journey, contact us today at 888.292.9652 to learn more about our addiction treatment center in New Jersey. With the right help, you can take steps toward a healthier, happier tomorrow.

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