3 Signs of a Personality Disorder in a Loved One

Personality disorders are mental health concerns affecting those living with one and those around them. Recognizing the signs of personality disorder can put you in a better position to help your loved one take steps toward recovery. Contact BlueCrest Recovery at 888.292.9652 for more about our personality disorder treatment program.

What Is a Personality Disorder?

A personality disorder is a mental health condition that lasts a lifetime. The symptoms of a personality disorder can vary significantly based on the specific type of disorder, but they typically involve beliefs or behaviors contradictory to cultural norms.

The signs of a personality disorder can develop as early as childhood and last for someone’s entire life. Unlike other conditions, they are typically inflexible. They do not appear suddenly later in life and do not resolve in time. While people can learn to manage the symptoms of a personality disorder, there is no cure.

3 Personality Disorder Signs

If you suspect a personality disorder in a loved one, there are sure signs to indicate whether you are on the right track. Three of the most common signs of a personality disorder include the following.

1. Fearful or Anxious Thinking and Behavior

Anxiety and fear are common signs of several personality disorders, including:

  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder

While each one of these disorders has distinct characteristics, they are all rooted in fear and anxiety. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder can experience significant anxiety about perfectionism and control. Those with avoidant personality disorder fear being judged or criticized by others. And those with dependent personality disorder need to be cared for by others and fear separation.

2. Exaggerated Emotions and Behaviors

People who constantly show exaggerated emotions or erratic behaviors may also be dealing with a personality disorder. People with these disorders may be perceived as overly dramatic, impulsive, or emotionally unstable. These behaviors are hallmark signs of personality disorders such as:

  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Histrionic personality disorder
  • Narcissistic personality disorder

Again, each of these personality disorders has a unique set of symptoms and challenges. People with borderline personality disorder have difficulty controlling their emotions and can experience significant relationship challenges. Those with histrionic personality disorder constantly seek out the attention of others and may show dramatic behaviors to receive that attention. People with narcissistic personality disorder perceive themselves as superior to others and seek confirmation of their superiority. And finally, those with antisocial personality disorder often disregard the feelings or experiences of others and may defy social norms or rules.

3. Eccentric Thoughts or Behaviors

The last group of personality disorders shows patterns of eccentric or unusual thinking. Conditions of this type include:

  • Schizotypal personality disorder
  • Paranoid personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder

A person with schizotypal personality disorder can feel intensely uncomfortable with close personal relationships and may have conspiratorial thinking, paranoia, or magical beliefs.

Similarly, people with schizoid personality disorder lack interest in social relationships and may prefer solitude. People with paranoid personality disorder often believe that others are out to harm them and generally distrust them.

Are You Seeing Signs of a Personality Disorder in a Loved One? Get Help at BlueCrest Recovery

While there is no cure for personality disorders, evidence-based treatment can help manage the symptoms and enable people to live happier and healthier lives. If you recognize the signs of a personality disorder in a loved one, reach out to BlueCrest Recovery by calling 888.292.9652 to learn more about our personality disorder treatment program. Personality disorder signs can be a real cause for concern. But anyone can achieve recovery, provided they accept the help offered at BlueCrest Recovery.

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